December 11, 2018 4.13 pm This story is over 72 months old

Quadrant hotel plans approved despite “tin box” designs

They weren’t impressed with the designs

Plans for a new Travelodge hotel on the Quadrant in Boston, along with a pub and another drive-thru restaurant have been approved despite concerns over “tin box” designs.

Boston Borough Council’s planning committee allowed reserved matters around the development to be approved for two of the major retail plots to the north-east of the new Pilgrim Way distributor road.

A report by Dovetail Architects on behalf of applicant Burney Estate described the location as an ‘ideal’ site for the proposed builds.

Councillors were told by officers that the proposal met the objectives of the ‘master plan’ for Chestnut Homes’ Quadrant original development.

They said: “The design, layout and appearance of the proposed buildings will enhance the area and in particular, the proposed hotel will provide a positive benefit to tourism and the local economy.”

A site layout of the plans.

Councillor Alison Austin said there were “some bits better than others”.

She said she was ok with the “bog standard” Travelodge design, but went on to criticise the “tin boxes” design of the drive-thru and pub buildings.

“If we want this to be an attractive gateway to our historic town, why do we put up with these sorts of designs?” she said, questioning whether the designs will enhance the area.

Chairman Cllr David Brown said the building “does look a bit like a ski-lodge”.

Cllr Noble also criticised the design, but also said he felt the nearby housing estate also “looks a bit like a Legoland design”.

He said, however, he supported the proposal adding it was “all about the evolving character of the area and crucial development of the town.”

“Anything that brings jobs and prosperity to the town has got to be good,” he added.

No companies have been named to run the pub or drive-thru.

Each new builds will have more than 50 parking spaces outside and will be accessed from within the Quadrant site.

An overarching map of the Quadrant development.

Three major fast food outlets, along with a bathroom showroom were recently approved for the site by Boston Borough Council.

The Quadrant scheme will eventually comprise 500 homes, commercial premises, a food store and a new stadium for Boston United Football Club.

It will also start the new Boston Distributor Road which will eventually link the A16 to the north and south through the A1121 Boardsides and A52 to the west.

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