January 28, 2019 4.47 pm This story is over 71 months old

Council plans to tidy up “scruffy” areas with affordable homes

The council says the area will be “tangibly improved”

South Kesteven District Council has submitted two new planning applications as it looks to tidy up “scruffy” areas and create new affordable housing for its residents.

If successful, the authority hopes to build four flats and three bungalows on land at Meadow Close in Bourne, and five bungalows on land off Trinity Road, in Stamford.

Planning documents outline how SKDC wants to produce schemes which “sit comfortably within the neighbourhood and has minimal impact” as well as “make a positive contribution to the regeneration of the local community.”

The plans for Meadow Close.

The council says the objectives are to include private amenity space and have the houses up to Lifetime Home standards, as well as being energy-efficient and with minimal carbon emissions.

Both documents say that: “Overall, with the redevelopment of the tired and scruffy car parking areas, the appearance of the whole area will be tangibly improved.”

The Meadow Close site will include parking, while SKDC says it plans to create new parking spaces in the Trinity Road area to compensate for the loss of parking due to the development.

Both applications say the developments are “unlikely to generate any significant extra vehicular movements”.

An example of the buildings planned for Triity Road.

“This planning application seeks to ensure the ongoing demand for affordable housing is fully serviced,” report the documents.

“These development sites present a practical and convenient location that already have appropriate services and infrastructure.

“The development will be a valuable addition to the council’s stock of affordable housing, and thus goes some way to addressing the current supply and demand issues.”

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