July 10, 2019 10.51 am This story is over 64 months old

Caught on camera: Van avoids head on lorry crash by a whisker

What do you think?

A near head on crash was caught on dashcam close to Lincoln earlier this week as a van tried to overtake two vehicles.

The vehicle with the dashcam was behind a lorry on the A15 South Ermine Street just off the roundabout for the A631 at around 4am on Monday, July 8.

In the video, a white van overtakes the dashcam car and the lorry and nearly causes a crash with another oncoming lorry.

The HGV spots another lorry coming towards it in the other direction and appears to put its brakes on to ensure a lucky escape.

Jamie Katona, who captured the footage, said: “Someone needs new undies. Very lucky the HGV in front was on it. One was behind me and this tool came from behind him, straight off a roundabout.”

He added that the driver “made no attempt to get back in and it’s not like the HGV coming towards him didn’t have enough lights”.

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