August 2, 2019 3.12 pm This story is over 58 months old

Andrew Morgan: Celebrating the excellence in our hospitals

Meet Andrew Morgan, the new CEO of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust

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By CEO of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust

Having recently joined the Board of United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) as Chief Executive, I wanted to introduce myself to you – the people who we care for in our hospitals.

I have worked in the NHS for 37 years, the last 16 years as a Chief Executive. I have worked in all sectors of the NHS including community health services, hospitals and the ambulance service. This includes five years as CEO of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) which, along with being an established Lincolnshire resident, puts me in a positon where I’ve got a great understanding of the Lincolnshire health economy and the needs and desires of our population.

It is no secret that ULHT has had its challenges – but my background in Lincolnshire means I am very familiar with those that we face as an organisation – and I have been working with the Board of ULHT on a system-wide approach to the provision of acute services across the county for some time.

I am keen that we highlight everything that is great about ULHT, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

I truly believe that Lincolnshire’s hospitals are an excellent place to be cared for and treated, and that the majority of people using our services have an overwhelmingly positive experience.

We have recently reported the lowest mortality rates ever, we are showing some real successes in improving quality and safety of care to our patients and our financial position is improving. We have got a lot to be proud of, not least our amazing staff who do their best for our patients every day. They are our real assets, and my focus going forward will be very much on ensuring they feel supported and developed to make sure they can deliver the best for the patients of Lincolnshire.

I am confident that we will continue to build on the transformation and service developments that are already well under way within ULHT.

I would like to get out and about meeting our staff and patients as I establish myself here at ULHT, so I hope to meet some of you on my travels.

Andrew Morgan is the chief executive of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust and the former CEO of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.