September 4, 2019 5.09 pm This story is over 63 months old

Voice of Lincoln: Is it time for another general election?

We asked people on Lincoln High Street

Politicians will be talking about the “will of the people” over the coming, but what is it that the people want?

It comes after MPs moved a bill to block the UK crashing out of the European Union on October 31.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he will call for a general election on October 15 if opposition parties block a no-deal Brexit.

He needs support from two-thirds of MPs in order to call the election, something which isn’t looking too likely at the moment.

But the election is among many options available, including no-deal Brexit, May’s old deal and another delay to the Brexit deadline.

When The Lincolnite went out on Lincoln High Street, some suggested that Parliament should form a coalition of national unity whereas others asked for another election.