February 25, 2020 11.16 am This story is over 52 months old

‘It’s humiliating’: Disabled woman calls for Lincoln museum lift fix

“I assumed that the lift would be repaired within days but apparently this has not been the case”

A disabled woman says she felt humiliated asking for help at a Lincoln museum, where some of the lifts have been broken for the past three months.

Jayne Knight visits The Collection Museum regularly but ever since November, the lifts down to the cafe have been out of order.

In order to get around the building, she says she has been forced to reluctantly ask for assistance to get down to the lower floor.

The staff have had to take her outside The Collection and around the corner down the hill in through the cafe patio.

She told The Lincolnite: “It is very humiliating asking for assistance and it’s unnerving on the very steep road down to the cafe.

“I assumed, with it being a public building, that the lift would be repaired within days but apparently this has not been the case.”

The Collection.

Jayne is planning to visit the “Bastion in the Air” exhibition next month but is concerned that the lifts will still be broken.

Lincolnshire County Council runs The Collection and has apologised for the distress caused to Jayne.

Will Mason, head of culture at the council said: “We’d like to reassure the visitor that we are in the process of getting the lifts fixed.

“We need specialist parts and these, unfortunately, take a while to source.

“We’d like to reassure visitors that each floor of the building, due to its design, is accessible via ramps.

“There may be one or two occasions where staff assistance is needed, to open doors, but we are more than happy to assist.”