April 10, 2020 5.46 pm This story is over 56 months old

30 new Lincolnshire coronavirus cases as local death toll reaches 57

Infections and deaths continue to grow

There have been 38 more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Greater Lincolnshire over the past 24 hours.

The latest figures from the Department for Health revealed that the 530 cases was broken down as:

  • 392 in Lincolnshire (up from 363)
  • 77 in North Lincolnshire (up from 71)
  • 61 in North East Lincolnshire (up from 58)

Nationally, there are 70,272 cases across the UK.

Earlier today, it was revealed there had been seven more deaths announced across Greater Lincolnshire, totaling 57.

The number of deaths across the UK has risen to 8,958 – an increase of 980 (866 in England).

In the government’s daily briefing today (Friday), health secretary Matt Hancock has said there is now enough testing capacity across the UK for all NHS workers with more than 19,000 so far.

Matt Hancock speaks during Friday’s daily government briefing.

A total of 15 testing stations have been built across the country, he said. Three have been opened now in Lincolnshire. [Lincoln Yarborough, Birchwood, and Boston]

He called for a “national effort” to stay home this Easter adding it would be a “test of the nations resolve”.

“However warm the weather, however tempting the beach or park, we need everyone to stay at home,” he said.

“NHS staff are battling day and night to keep desperately sick people breathing and they need you to stay at home.”

He also unveiled more plans to provide NHS staff around the UK with Personal Protective Equipment, adding that 742 million pieces had already been delivered to the front line.

He said there were a number of challenges including clarity over the equipments use, distribution and the demand around the world.

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