April 12, 2020 2.20 pm This story is over 57 months old

Lockdown Week 3 Day 7: 75 Lincolnshire coronavirus deaths, 567 local cases, 78,991 in the UK, 10,532 deaths

Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives

REWIND our week 3 coverage here.

567 coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire

  • 412 in Lincolnshire (up from 392)
  • 91 in North Lincolnshire (up from 77)
  • 64 in North East Lincolnshire (up from 61)

75 COVID-19 deaths in Greater Lincolnshire

  • 53 in Lincolnshire (up 8)
  • 22 in Northern Lincolnshire (up 4)

78,991 UK cases, 10,532 deaths