July 3, 2020 4.50 pm This story is over 54 months old

Four COVID-19 cases confirmed in Lincolnshire on Friday

Small rise in local cases

The number of cases of coronavirus confirmed in Lincolnshire has increased by four in Friday’s figures.

Government figures released today show that a total of 3,334 coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire including both pillar one (hospital and health care testing), and pillar two (fixed testing sites, mobile and home testing) data.

They are broken down as follows

  • 2,413 in Lincolnshire (up from 2,410)
  • 716 in North Lincolnshire (up from 715)
  • 203 in North East Lincolnshire (no change)

It follows a massive 80% hike in numbers after historical pillar two data was included in Thursday’s numbers.

At the beginning of the week there were 1,839 cases.

Nationally there have now been 284,276 cases and 44,131 deaths.

No new COVID-19 related deaths were reported in hospitals today so the Greater Lincolnshire death total has remained at 334.

However, the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics earlier today revealed there have now been 173 deaths in care homes across Greater Lincolnshire.