September 30, 2020 4.47 pm This story is over 52 months old

400% spike in COVID-19 cases in September, two new deaths Wednesday

65 new local cases to end the month

There have been 65 cases of coronavirus in Greater Lincolnshire on Wednesday, bringing the September total to 820.

Government data showed cases of COVID-19 in Lincolnshire increased by 38, with 16 new cases in North Lincolnshire, and 11 in North East Lincolnshire.

Two further deaths were recorded in NHS figures on Wednesday, with one reported at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust on September 29 and another in Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals on September 28.

The latest figures mean there have been 820 cases of coronavirus in Greater Lincolnshire so far in September, compared to 204 for the whole of August.

Infection rates have doubled in some areas around Greater Lincolnshire this month — but county health bosses say the area is unlikely to see any local lockdowns before wider national restrictions are brought in.

Since the start of term, over 30 schools in our region have had staff or pupil infections and groups had to self isolate.

The government’s own death tally, which also includes deaths outside of hospitals or outside the county, increased by three with two Lincolnshire residents and one North Lincolnshire resident.

Since the start of September, however, there have been seven deaths in Greater Lincolnshire hospitals – with the same number confirmed to be residents living in the area.

This is a 0.85% mortality rate for the month.

In August, there were no hospital deaths recorded in NHS figures.

On Tuesday, health bosses also confirmed the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum, which led the initial charge against coronavirus had also been stood back up.

Nationally, cases increased by 7,108 to 453,264 while deaths increased by 71 to 42,143.

Latest coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire

4,592 cases (up 65)

  • 3,287 in Lincolnshire (up 38)
  • 962 in North Lincolnshire (up 16)
  • 343 in North East Lincolnshire (up 11)

397 deaths (up three)

  • 272 from Lincolnshire (up two)
  • 90 from North Lincolnshire (up one)
  • 35 from North East Lincolnshire (no change)

of which 273 hospital deaths (up two)

  • 147 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (up one)
  • 4 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (no change)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 121 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (up one)

453,264 UK cases, 42,143 deaths