December 18, 2020 3.02 pm This story is over 44 months old

Knife wielding man with skull mask steals from Lincoln shop

He robbed £200 from off-licence

By Local Democracy Reporter

Cash was robbed from a Lincoln shop by a man wearing a skull mask and holding a large knife.

At around 9.15pm on Thursday, December 17, a man dressed in all black entered Monks Vineyard on Eastbourne Street and demanded money.

He was holding a large knife and wearing a black face mask with white skulls on it, and has been described as being around 5ft9 in height, of slim build and in his 30s.

Approximately £200 was taken, and the offender also tried to steal tobacco, but dropped it as he ran away.

Officers made it to the scene but could not find the suspect and are now appealing to the public for assistance.

If you something that could help police or have any information about the incident, call 101 and quote reference 432 of December 17.

Alternatively, you can email [email protected] and use the same reference in the subject box.