February 23, 2021 4.44 pm This story is over 40 months old

Grimsby pair gets £900 fine for cycling in the town centre

Council cracking down on anti-social behaviour

By Local Democracy Reporter

Two people who were caught cycling in Grimsby town centre have been fined over £450 each by North East Lincolnshire Council.

They appeared in court on February 5 after failing to pay the fines given to them for riding their bikes in the pedestrianised area of Victoria Street.

Both were fined £200 each, and were ordered to pay £226.04 costs as well as a £34 victim surcharge. Full payment is expected within 28 days.

Cases were proved against both defendants in their absence from court.

North East Lincolnshire Council has described the decision as a crackdown on anti-social behaviour in the area.

More than 40 people have been prosecuted by the council since November for cycling in a prohibited zone, breaching public space protection orders.

Two more cases of the same offence were heard in court, with one defendant paying the full price of their penalty notice.

The other defendant could not attend court due to COVID-19 isolation, so has had their case postponed until April 30.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, cabinet member for Safer and Stronger Communities at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “We will fine you if you put other people at risk by cycling in Grimsby’s pedestrian zone.

“Those who choose not to pay the £100 fixed penalty notice, find themselves facing a larger bill in court. I’m grateful to the courts for supporting our stance.

“Shoppers, businesses and people working in the town centre often complain about nuisance cycling in the town centre.

“There’s no need to cycle in the pedestrian area – Bethlehem Street and Osborne Street are literally a few metres away and run parallel to it.”