August 25, 2021 12.27 pm This story is over 34 months old

Horncastle Roman Wall conservation works complete

The 1,700-year-old wall is a huge part of Horncastle history

By Local Democracy Reporter

Works to preserve the county’s largest Roman sculpture outside of Lincoln, Horncastle Roman Wall, have been completed after decades at risk of collapse.

The future of the Roman Wall in Horncastle has been secured after the works, having been on Historic England’s Heritage at ‘Risk List’ for decades.

Work was carried out by a team of specialist conservators from Cliveden Conservation with funding from Historic England.

Conservator Mark Hawcroft from Cliveden Conservation mixing Roman style lime mortar. | Photo: Horncastle History & Heritage Society

The 1,700-year-old wall, next to Horncastle Community Centre, is recognised as nationally important and a key part of the town’s Roman history.

Parts of the wall are not accessible to the public and have never been properly recorded, but after these conservation works it will be recorded in 3D using laster scanning technology for the first time ever, as Horncastle History & Heritage Society work with University of Lincoln experts on the project.

The section of wall before conservation works began, when it was at risk according to Historic England. | Photo: Horncastle History & Heritage Society

It will be possible to create fly-through videos of the wall or virtual models, allowing for a whole new perspective and history to be shown to the community.

The restored Roman Wall will be part of a free guided tour that takes place on Saturday, September 11 as part of the Heritage Open Days festival in Horncastle.

Work in progress repairing the Roman Wall in the shadow of St Mary’s Church. | Photo: Horncastle History & Heritage Society

Dr Ian Marshman, chairman of Horncastle History & Heritage Society, said: “We would like to thank our lead advisor Dr David Watt and the expert team from Cliveden Conservation who carried out the work with great skill and care.

“It was fascinating to watch their team replicate some of the ancient skills used by the Romans almost 2,000 years ago.

“Unfortunately we were not able to have visitors on site but you can watch the conservators at work in the series of videos available on the society’s website.”