September 7, 2021 2.57 pm This story is over 33 months old

Lincolnshire PE teacher denies sexually assaulting teens in taxi

He has denied two charges of sexual assault

A Lincolnshire Grammar School teacher sexually assaulted two teenagers while sharing a taxi with them at the end of a night out, a jury at Lincoln Crown Court has been told.

Adam Binns, who worked as a PE teacher at Bourne Grammar School, allegedly carried out the assaults on the two girls back in December 2017.

Mark Achurch, prosecuting, told the jury that earlier in the evening Binns approached one of the girls inside the Late Bar in Bourne and said to her “You’re going to make me lose my job.”

The girl asked Binns why that was, but did not recall him responding.

Mr Achurch said: “Her perception was that he was clearly attracted to her. The next thing she remembers is him saying ‘Do you want to go and get naughty with me?’

“She said she was out with her boyfriend as a distraction to get out of the situation.”

In the early hours Binns is alleged to have spoken to the girl and two of her female friends outside the bar and insisted they get a taxi home.

In evidence the girl, who said she knew that Binns was a school teacher, admitted she was drunk.

“I got in first. I sat on the far side. He got in after me. It happened almost instantaneously. He put his hand on my left leg. Then he moved his hand. It went under my dress and then into my pants. Then he did it again. It was unwanted.”

Mr Achurch said a second teenager got into the back of the taxi and sat on the other side of Binns while the third girl sat in the front seat.

The girl who got into the back seat alongside Binns said: “I was looking out of the window then I felt a hand stroke my stomach. I brushed it off but then I felt his hand again and it was inside my pants.”

After a short journey the taxi dropped off the three girls.

Moments later Binns is alleged to have knocked on the door of the house where they had gone to and asked to be let in.

Mr Achurch said: “He was trying to get them to promise not to say anything about what happened. He said to them, ‘I’ll lose my job if you do’.”

Binns, 31, of Dorchester Avenue, Bourne, denies two charges of sexual assault alleged to have occurred on December 16, 2017.

When he was interviewed by police he denied any sexual contact with either girl.

Binns said he bumped into the three girls as he was leaving the Late Bar and offered to pay for a taxi for them.

“I didn’t recognise any of them.” He said he could not recall any conversation in the taxi and at the end of the journey he paid the fare.

The trial continues.