April 8, 2022 11.54 am This story is over 26 months old

Fiddler admits child sex offences in court

He has been warned to expect a jail sentence

A Bourne man has been warned to expect jail by a judge after he admitted a string of sexual offences.

Anthony Fiddler, 38, of Recreation Road, Bourne, pleaded guilty to eight sexual charges when he appeared at Lincoln Crown Court.

Fiddler admitted having sexual communications with a 15-year-old boy between May 17, 2021 and May 24, 2021.

In a second charge relating to the same child Fiddler pleaded guilty to causing him to watch a sexual act on May 24, 2021.

Fiddler also admitted two charges of attempted sexual communication with girls aged 12 and 14 between May 24, 2021 and May 25, 2021.

He also pleaded guilty to a fifth charge of attempting to incite a 14-year-old girl to engage in a sexual act between the same dates.

Jon Dee, prosecuting, explained to the court the girls aged 12 and 14 were in fact decoys.

Fiddler also admitted three further charges of making indecent photographs of children between August 2000 and November 2020.

The charges related to 124 images in the most serious category of A, 86 category B images and 630 category C images.

Karen Walton, defending Fiddler, asked for sentence to be adjourned for the preparation of a probation report and to consider if he was suitable for treatment in the community.

Miss Walton told the court: “Mr Fiddler has just one previous conviction (for exposure) in 2005.

“What seems to have happened is that he has lost two close friends in the last 12 months to COVID and a brain tumor.

“He is also the sole career for his elderly parents. He lives alone and is a solitary man.

“He accepts he has a problem with children online, and has accepted that from the start.”

Miss Walton added that Fiddler had lost his job and suffered abuse in the community as a result of the decoy operation.

Judge John Pini QC agreed to adjourn sentence for the preparation of a probation report but warned Fiddler: “I want to see what his risk is.

“Don’t build your hopes up. Do not come to court expecting anything other than an immediate custodial sentence.

“We will see what the report says.”

Fiddler was granted conditional bail until May 20 when he will be sentenced at Lincoln Crown Court.