April 13, 2022 10.49 am This story is over 26 months old

Lincolnshire street dealer told to expect jail

He supplied cocaine and heroin to other users

A street dealer from Boston has been warned to expect jail after he admitted supplying cocaine and heroin to other users.

Stacey Housham, 42, pleaded guilty to four charges concerning Class A drugs when he appeared at Lincoln Crown Court.

Housham admitted possessing both cocaine and heroin with intent to supply to others on February 10, 2020.

He also pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and heroin to others between December 6, 2019, and February 11, 2020.

Nicholas Bleaney, defending, asked for sentence on Housham to be adjourned for the preparation of a report by the probation service.

Mr Bleaney told the court Housham had turned his life around since his arrest for these offences.

“Towards the end of 2019 and in early 2020 he was homeless, a long term drug user and mixing with the wrong kind of people,” Mr Bleaney explained.

“He is now back with the mother of his children, in work and most importantly is clean.”

Mr Bleaney said Housham’s offending could be described as “street dealing.”

“Most of it was to ensure his own supply,” Mr Bleeney admitted.

Judge Simon Hirst agreed to adjourn sentence for a probation report but warned Housham not to expect anything other than a custodial sentence.

The judge told Housham: “People who deal Class A drugs normally go to prison.

“I’m told there are circumstances in your case which mean this is not necessary.

“I will see what the report says, but please don’t think that because I am putting it off for a pre-sentence report that it will not be a custodial sentence.”

Housham, who was of no fixed address at the time of his offences, and is formerly of Collingwood Crescent, Boston, was granted unconditional bail.

He will be sentenced at Lincoln Crown Court on May 25.