May 18, 2022 2.30 pm This story is over 25 months old

The Lincolnshire areas where COVID rates have fallen to zero

Some places have had no coronavirus cases for more than a week

COVID is still a daily reality for many people – however the rates have almost fallen to zero in several areas of Lincolnshire.

Parts of the government’s interactive map showing rates across the region are now the lowest possible level, representing less than three cases in a week.

Coronavirus is considered to be suppressed in these areas.

The biggest area to fall into the bottom category is Wragby, Roughton & Ludford, near Horncastle.

Parts of the east coast have also suppressed COVID, including Skegness, Wainfleet All Saints and Sutton-on-Sea.

In North East Lincolnshire, Cleethorpes West and Littlefield North have also hit the bottom category.

The data is for the seven days leading up to May 12.

The low Covid rates may be due to fewer people testing | Photo:

It reflects how many cases are being reported, but doesn’t take into account the fact that fewer people may be testing now restrictions have been relaxed.

At the other end of the scale, Glebe Park in Lincoln is the area with the highest recorded number of people testing positive, with a total of 15 cases (equivalent to 206 per 100,000 residents.)

Overall, the south and east of the county are seeing lower rates.

East Lindsey, South Kesteven, South Holland and Boston are all in the 50 to 99 cases per 100,000 band, while the remaining districts are 100 to 199 per 100,000.

It is still advised to self-isolate if you test positive for coronavirus, but is no longer mandatory.

Tests are now only free to NHS or care workers, people with certain health conditions, and those going into hospital for a procedure. They can be ordered online, however all other members of the public are required to pay for them.