January 16, 2023 9.58 am This story is over 19 months old

Taking children for holidays in term time is worth the fine, parents say

“Family memories are important too”

Lincolnshire parents have backed cheaper, less busy holidays in school term time – even if it means a fine.

At least 1,500 fines were issued for children missing a week of school over the last school year.

However, families are standing by their decision on social media, and are saying that it is schools and the tourism industry which need to change.

Here’s what Lincolnite readers said about the issue on Facebook.

Les Rush said: “You only have to look at the benefits. Family holidays are good for the mental health of our children and l have no doubt that they perform better in school following the holiday.

“More and more families cannot afford to travel during the school holidays.”

Tracey Shearer: “If it’s not a really important year like taking exams, then I say yes. Family memories are important too.”

Jayne Kirton said: “The government should do something to stop the holiday companies hiking the prices up out of term time. Then families wouldn’t have to take their children out of school for a holiday that is affordable.”

Janet Burrows agreed, saying: “What they charge you in a fine is nothing compared to the financial savings and the quality of holiday you have.”

Schools try to deter school holidays in term time | Photo: Adobe Stock

Even some teachers supported children missing a few lessons for holidays.

Richard Adams said: “As a former educator, holidays can harm childrens’ education if they miss critical parts, but more often than not the gaps can be filled up at a later stage.”

Jo Piercy: “I work for the emergency services and quite often leave can’t be taken over Christmas, so yes, I’ll be taking my daughter out of school to enjoy family holidays.

“I was taken out of school as a child during term. It didn’t do me any harm and I have pursued a career I love.”

However, not everyone agreed with taking children missing school days.

Kathryn Locke said: “I’m sure if parents were paying for their child’s education at the point of delivery, they may think again.

She added: “Travel can be educational and fun-filled family time, but it is the tourist industry that needs to change – not a child’s attendance in education. I am sure school staff would welcome cheaper holidays during school holidays away too.”

The report on school absences says Lincolnshire’s absences are above the national average.

829 children were reported as having missed ten consecutive days, and 111 of those had been reported three times.