September 11, 2019 12.21 pm This story is over 59 months old

Councillors approve “depressing, rather bland” Deeping development

But it needs a wider cyclepath

Councillors approved plans for a “depressing, rather bland” 76 homes development in Deeping St James, despite cycleway concerns.

South Kesteven District Council gave the go ahead to Linden Homes’ proposals, which are part of a 145-home development approved at outline stage last year.

They relate to the eastern side of the scheme which will be accessed from Linchfield Road and Burchnall Close.

The designs have been amended since it was originally submitted.

Ward member Phil Dilks said it had been a “controversial application”.

He acknowledged “a lot of work” had been done but felt the design was “rather depressing, and bland”.

He, along with other concerned speakers said it was “crucial” that the proposed East to West cycleway, which runs alongside an existing footpath, should be 3m wide.

“It goes towards schools, supermarkets, Tesco, and people will, I hope, use it as a main thoroughfare to get to facilities in Market Deeping,” said Councillor Dilks.

How the site layout could look, the shaded area is a future phase due to appear before the council at a later date.

Concerns were also raised around wanting local materials used in the build, tandem parking and the safety of certain features.

Councillor Judy Stevens said: “This is the first development Deeping St James has had for some time.

“People have been used to looking at green fields and this is an incursion to one of those green fields,

”We’d like this to be the best it could possibly be.”

The applicant’s representative said the cycleway running alongside an existing footpath could not be merged due to the path being on Internal Drainage Board land.

She said IDB constraints, though relaxed, had caused issues.

“It’s been a balance to achieve what all consultees want,” she said. “We do feel the layout as it is complies with the condition supporting a footpath and cycleway.”

Approving the application, councillors applied a condition asking for it to be widened and for “natural stone” to be used in some plots.

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