September 4, 2019 3.28 pm This story is over 63 months old

Deeping housing plans set for approval amid “cramped layout” concerns

Officers say amendments to the plans have improved them

A 76-home development in Deeping St James is set for approval despite concerns It could be “cramped”.

Linden Homes’ plans are part of a 145-home development on the land approved at outline stage last year – they relate to the eastern side of the scheme which will be accessed from Linchfield Road and Burchnall Close.

In a report before councillors next Wednesday says the plans have been called-in by Councillor Judy Stevens “on the grounds of cramped development, insufficient width to footpath/cycleways and poor design”.

It says the proposal has been amended since it was originally submitted due to concerns raised by statutory consultees including Market Deeping and Deeping St James Parish Councils, SKDC’s urban designer and the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group.

How the site layout could look, the shaded area is a future phase due to appear before the council at a later date.

The latter said the plan “does not comply with the outline masterplan, does not accord with Deepings Green Walk principles and provides a cramped development particularly in terms of parking.”

The amended plans include a reduction in the number of dwellings by one, widening of the cycleways, changes to the house types, materials, landscaping and “other minor but significant design changes”.

Recommending approval, the officers state: “The proposal has been considerably improved to an acceptable standard.

“Overall the density, layout and general design of the proposals accords with the principles of the approved design and access statement and framework masterplan and scores well.

“The proposal would be well-integrated with the existing built up area whilst creating a well-connected and landscaped place with its own identity.”

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