December 16, 2020 12.11 pm This story is over 44 months old

Part funding secured for Lincoln Central Market refurb

A long list of proposals for the market

Lincoln Central Market will be refurbished and modernised after funding was secured to firm up proposals, including a mezzanine level to the western end.

The City of Lincoln Council joined towns across Greater Lincolnshire in bidding for £125million of government funding for regeneration projects. Lincoln’s £24.75 million request covered 15 projects including £6.5 million for the restoration and re-purposing of Lincoln Central Market.

Funding has now been secured for the feasibility works part of the project through Historic England’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) programme, although the exact figure has not yet been disclosed.

Design for a potential new-look Lincoln Central Market. | Photo: COLC

The proposals include:

  • Demolition and replacement of the existing toilets and Butchers/Fishmongers Corridor
  • Creation of the new open shopfront to Sincil Street to enhance the retail sales experience as more of a ‘Farm Shop in the City’
  • New extension to enable a new first floor A3 space to be formed, with a balcony area facing onto Sincil Street
  • New mezzanine level to the western end of the market accessed by stairs and platform lift, providing additional commercial space and greater flexibility of use
  • Opening up the principal facades to the north and east through the insertion of new glazing in the “blind” arches and with associated internal alterations to relocate stalls away from the glazing
  • The introduction of new perimeter market stalls to the western end of the Market Hall to replicate the existing 1937 stalls located to the eastern end of the Market Hall
  • Public realm improvements to City Square connecting with the River Witham, High Street and Sincil Street

The city council has also submitted a bid under the government’s Town Deal Fund, which if approved could, subject to funds being allocated, see the works begin in 2021.

How Lincoln’s Central Market could look after a revamp. | Photo: Optima Graphic Design Consultants

Kieron Manning, Assistant Director for Planning at City of Lincoln Council said: “The current market building would definitely benefit from the restoration of this valuable heritage asset.

“Currently, the building suffers from a poor trading environment, and we hope this scheme will deliver new jobs to the area, as well as increase footfall to businesses nearby.

“The proposals would provide an opportunity to repurpose the building and diversify uses inside the market catering for demand for food and beverages, local produce and business/craft workspace.”

A list of the projects in full can be found here, including refurbishment of the Drill Hall building for use as an evening cultural/leisure venue and a community hub and adult training premises.