July 18, 2022 10.48 am This story is over 25 months old

£1.3m project to remove asbestos from 150 council homes

It is to be removed for residents’ safety

Asbestos could soon be removed from more than 150 council houses in Grantham.

The hazardous material was found in dozens of properties on Grantham’s Earlesfield estate last year, and isn’t posing “an immediate risk of harm” to residents.

South Kesteven District Council are looking to spend £1.3 million in removing it from the properties, along with widespread improvements to kitchens, bathrooms and other facilities.

The final cost of the scheme is expected to stand at just under £4 million.

The material was found in 152 ‘Wimpey No Fines’ properties which were built after Second World War.

The council says it doesn’t own any more housing of this type.

A survey in a vacant property found that it would be impossible to remove the asbestos without temporarily relocating tenants.

Ten homes on the estate have been set aside to house them while this happens.

Surveys have shown that improvements are needed to nearly all properties’ facilities, doors, windows and electrical, which will also be carried out during the work.

Asbestos is being removed for the safety of residents (Stock photo) | Photo: Adobe Stock

The allocation of £1.3 million will be discussed at the full council meeting on Monday, June 25.

A report into the project says: “In 2021, the Council identified as part of its landlord responsibilities that the [Wimpey No Fines] property types contained asbestos-containing material (ACM). Although not presenting an immediate risk of harm to residents, it is best practice to remove ACM.

“It is confirmed that there are no other properties in the Council’s housing stock of this archetype.”

The asbestos works will account for £846,000 of the total budget, with cash coming from the council’s Housing Revenue Account Improvement Reserve.

£2.4 million has been brought forward from the last financial year for the project, and another £81,000 will be be lost in rental income.

The Wimpey No Fines were built by the George Wimpey company to put up post-war housing quickly. (‘No fines’ refers to the type of concrete used.)