October 3, 2022 3.00 pm This story is over 22 months old

Security to be tightened around Riseholme campus

The public still want access to the grounds

New gates will be installed around Riseholme campus to protect ‘world-leading research’.

The University of Lincoln has been granted permission to install gates at either end of the campus, north of Lincoln.

These would restrict vehicle movements, making the campus safer and providing additional security.

Members of the public have called for pedestrian access to the ‘wonderful landscape’ to be maintained.i

“Since 2019, in addition to teaching, the campus facilitates world-leading research by the Lincoln Institute of Agri-Food Technology and commercial tenants,” the university’s application says.

“Operational research is carried out 24 hours a day and seven days a week, including the testing of robotic equipment.

“To maintain appropriate safeguarding measures, the university have identified a need to provide additional security arrangements to control access onto the campus. The increased security would also benefit the protection of heritage assets.”

Several potential locations for the gate have been suggested on the roads around Lawress Hall.

The exact location of the gates is still to be determined | Photo: Google

A Lincoln resident who had enjoyed the Riseholme Hall grounds for many years called for it be kept open to walkers.

“It has been a privilege to enter the estate on foot and to quietly appreciate the wonderful surroundings, landscape and trees, and the beautiful lake. I know that many people also greatly appreciate this,” he said.

“I strongly hope and urge that the university will still allow public access on foot through and around the campus as in past years,” he said.

“There is minimal impact to the university from permitting access, and the benefit to and enjoyment by the public is enormous.”

These thoughts were echoed by Riseholme Parish Council.

The application was submitted to West Lindsey District Council in August, and has now received approval.

The reduced number of vehicles would also make the campus safer for pedestrians, the application says.

Riseholme Lane, the through-road connecting the A15 and A46, wouldn’t be affected by the plans.


A spokesperson for the University of Lincoln said: “The University is committed to retaining access to the Riseholme Campus via existing public rights of way and has installed two permissive footpaths on the estate for the benefit of the local community. We will continue to engage with residents and the Parish Council in the future.”