April 27, 2023 3.34 pm This story is over 16 months old

Lincoln Castle Academy making progress to improve ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted grade

However it still has ‘serious weaknesses’

Lincoln Castle Academy is making progress after being rated ‘Inadequate’ last year by Ofsted.

However, inspectors say that more work is needed before the school on Riseholme Road is removed from special measures.

The Department of Education sent a Termination Warning Notice last year, saying funding could be cut unless standards improved.

Ofsted are carrying out regular monitoring reports to ensure that the school is heading in the right direction.

The first report, published today, says: “Lincoln Castle Academy remains inadequate and has serious weaknesses.

“Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the category of concern to be removed.”

Improvements were identified in sixth form education, key stage three and four curriculums, and SEND provision.

The school is likely to leave Harbour Learning Trust in the next few weeks for a larger trust which can offer greater support.

Gareth Edmunds, CEO at Harbour Learning Trust, welcomed Ofsted’s initial findings.

“Over recent months a huge amount of work has been undertaken at Lincoln Castle Academy. I am delighted that inspectors concluded that ‘leaders have made progress to improve the school’ and that we are ‘ambitious for all pupils’,” he said.

“Given that this was the first of a series of monitoring visits, Ofsted understandably concluded that there is still more to do. While we are pleased with the progress that has been made, we wholly agree with this.

“Until LCA’s future has been decided, we remain fully committed to ensure that LCA continues to strengthen and evolve.  

“It would also be wrong to not take this opportunity to simply say thank you to all involved. Students are working hard and responding well to the changes that we are making. LCA’s staff are putting in huge amounts of effort to embrace new ideas and support our students – particularly those with exams in the summer.

“The positive feedback we have received from parents in recent months has been heartening and this is greatly appreciated.”

Read the full Ofsted report here.

Ofsted inspectors previously highlighted problems with support for SEND pupils, the quality of careers education and behavioural standards.

The critical report claimed parents have “lost confidence in the school” and sixth-form students “feel unheard and let down”.

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