May 21, 2010 9.52 am This story is over 176 months old

Bikes, rock and chips to meet at Bike Fest

Hot rods: Hundreds of enthusiasts will take over the Brayford waterfront in June to find the coolest motorbikes.

Hundreds of motorcyclists are expected on the Brayford waterfront on Sunday, June 13th, to listen to rock, eat chips, and find the coolest bikes at the 2010 Bike Fest.

It will be the second time the crowd-pulling event comes to Lincoln, with attractions such as a classic and custom bike show, and trophies for the best classic, best custom, and judges’ favourite bikes. The festival takes place between 10am and 5pm.

Local British Superbike racer Peter Hickman will be there all day, to explain first-hand about his racing life. Visitors will also be able to check out trade and club stands, and live music will be provided by the Gin House band.

Money raised from the event will go towards National Youthbike and the National Association for Bikers with a Disability. Bike Fest 2010 is co-organised by Lincoln BIG and Wolds Bikers, with partial funding from the European Union.

Below, a picture gallery from Bike Fest 2009 —

Source: Lincoln BIG | Photo: Adamsey via Flickr