May 17, 2010 4.18 pm This story is over 169 months old

Police, NHS to launch sexual assault shelter

Safe haven: Sexual assault victims will get a helping hand and advice from a dedicated shelter called Spring Lodge.

Lincolnshire Police and NHS Lincolnshire will officially launch on Friday, May 21st, the county’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). Dubbed Spring Lodge, the centre will offer help and advice from trained crisis workers to sexual assault victims.

Spring Lodge has been operational since April 19 in testing mode, to ensure a smooth opening. The centre is one of the only 30+ such places across the country. Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust, Safer Communities in Lincolnshire, Victim Support, and Women’s Aid are also involved in this project.

“I’m particularly pleased that the many organisations involved in dealing with victims of sexual assault have worked together and co-operated to ensure that the SARC has come to successful fruition, ” said Richard Crompton, Lincolnshire Police’s Chief Constable, who supervised the project’s development over the last three years.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Spring Lodge