July 8, 2010 1.11 pm This story is over 167 months old

12 y/o girl targeted in bus stop burglary

Young victim: A 12-year-old girl was the target of an attempted robbery at a bus stop in Bracebridge Heath.

A 12-year-old girl was the target of an attempted robbery on July 6 in Bracebridge Heath. She was standing at a bus stop on the A15, Sleaford Road near to the junction of Main Avenue, when, as she bent down to pick up her bus pass, a male came up to her from behind and tried to grab her bag.

The girl kicked him and he then ran off in the Sleaford direction. He is described as in his teens or early 20s, tall and slim with dark brown, spiky gelled hair.

The man was wearing white trainers, blue tracksuit bottoms and a yellow polo shirt. He wore either sunglasses or glasses, which dropped off during the incident, and he stopped to pick them up. He was also wearing a thick gold chain around his neck and possibly a silver earring.

The girl was understandably distressed by this incident, but was not physically harmed. It is not believed that any people were nearby where this offence occurred, but there were plenty of cars passing.

Police are appealing for anyone who saw this incident take place, or who saw someone meeting the offender’s description in the area, to call 0300 111 0300.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Google Street View (characters in photo not involved in the story)