July 21, 2010 6.50 pm This story is over 167 months old

Lincoln racecourse is a ‘bad idea that won’t happen,’ says Conservative City Councillor

Exclusive: A Conservative City Councillor told The Lincolnite the Lincoln racecourse plans are a “bad idea that won’t happen.”

A Conservative City Councillor blasted The Lincoln Racecourse Regeneration Company’s (LRRC) plans to reinstate horse racing in the West Common, saying that they are a “bad idea that won’t happen.”

The councillor, who wished to remain anonymous in order to still be able to vote against LRRC’s plans at the Council’s Executive Meeting on August 9, said there is “no general support within the Council” for the racecourse. The councillor explained that there are “no sufficient numbers” for the proposal to go through.

The plans are “a complete waste of time,” the Conservative councillor said, and there “is no way this is going to happen.” The City of Lincoln Council is “never ever going to grant them [LRRC] a lease,” the councillor added, explaining the Council still has to take each proposal in to consideration, including the one for the racecourse.

Karl McCartney, who is the Conservative Lincoln MP, and a director of the LRRC, is “a complication” in this issue, said the councillor. The City of Lincoln Council has “no political will” toward the racecourse plans, despite it having a Conservative majority, the councillor added. Accusations that the Lincoln racecourse is a “Conservative conspiracy” were also refuted.

Meanwhile, the people’s campaign against the West Common racecourse is gaining momentum. The campaign, led by Emile Van Der Zee, has gathered 450 signatures on an online petition and is also backed by TV botanist David Bellamy, who said the Common is “very, very precious” and it shouldn’t be used for commercial purposes.

Photo: LRRC