July 6, 2010 11.15 am This story is over 167 months old

Old school disco to rock Drill Hall

Old school: Lincoln Drill Hall will be playing host to a school-style disco from across the decades this month.

The Lincoln Drill Hall is setting up for a night of nostalgia this month, with the Stayin’ Alive school disco night, School’s Out for Summer.

Due July 17, the Drill Hall promise “a summer special to celebrate the end of term and the real start of summer,” with music ranging decades, from Beyoncé to Blur.

The Drill Hall say “this is a fantastic party night where respect and tolerance are big but anything goes and everyone is welcome.”

The party will start at 7.30pm, ending at 12.30am.

Fancy dress (especially school uniform) is encouraged, and tickets cost £6 per ticket. Music can be requested now by contacting their resident DJ, DJ Heretic.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Simon Shek