August 6, 2010 5.14 pm This story is over 166 months old

City police vow to seize ‘boy racer’ cars

Donut drivers: Police will no longer tolerate antisocial driving by boy racers, and will seize vehicles of offenders instantly.

Police within the city are warning boy racers that any behaviour in their vehicles that upsets residents won’t be tolerated, and will result in their cars being taken off them.

Lincolnshire Police say that there has been an increase in complaints about young drivers congregating in the St Mary’s Street and Oxford Street NCP car park. This is usually at around 7pm at the weekends.

The reports suggest that the drivers race around the car park and do donuts. More concerning, they race over Pelham bridge and along Canwick Road, as well as circuits around roads such as Melville Street, Clasketgate, Mint Lane and Mint Street, Beaumont Fee, Silver Street and Broadgate.

Residents are also annoyed at the noise from modified exhausts and music, and say the behaviour continues until as late as 1am often.

Officers will be tackling the issue this weekend and will use section 59 powers against offenders, and section 59 warnings to those involved in related vehicle antisocial behaviour.

Once issued, if the offender is caught repeating the act within 12 months, their car can be seized. To get the car back they must pay the police £150, plus a £20-per-day storage charge.

From now on, police officers will be looking to issue warnings and seizure notices for any driving which seems antisocial.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Car Rentals