September 28, 2010 11.27 am This story is over 167 months old

Free flu jabs for Lincoln’s ‘vulnerable’

Influenza: The city’s most vulnerable people are urged by NHS Lincolnshire to take advantage of the free flu jab available this year.

NHS Lincolnshire are urging the vulnerable to take advantage of the free flu jab available at most Lincoln GPs.

In particular, the over 65s, and any person who suffers from diabetes, multiple sclerosis, serious kidney or liver disease, asthma, strokes, and TIA.

The vaccine protects from various forms of influenza, including Swine Flu (H1N1). Influenza affects around 15 million people in the UK per year, and is rife in winter.

Recent research from Lincoln doctors also shows that getting the jab could significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack too.

The flu vaccination campaign will be launched this month, and NHS Lincolnshire hopes to vaccinate 72-75% of those “at risk” or elderly.

The chances of catching flu can be kept to a minimum by keeping active, using tissues when you sneeze or cough, and washing your hands.

Anyone with flu should follow the NHS’s current campaign Catch it, Bin it, Kill it: catch sneezes in a tissue, throw the tissue away, and then wash hands.

Source: NHS Lincolnshire | Photo: USACE Europe District