October 29, 2010 11.52 am This story is over 170 months old

IAG fears police front line services cuts

Review aftermath: The local Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for Lincolnshire Police fears for its future.

The local Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for Lincolnshire Police fears that more front line services may be cut as a result of last week’s spending review.

Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Richard Crompton already said last week that up to 170 jobs will go at the force, 70 officers and 100 support staff.

Independent advisory groups were introduced following recommendations from the Stephen Lawrence inquiry report in 1999.

To ensure their independence, the groups are funded directly by Lincolnshire Police Authority, and they are one of the services under threat by spending cuts.

David Millar is also Chair of Just Lincolnshire Equality & Human Rights Council

David Millar, chair of the Lincolnshire Independent Advisory Group, says IAG will remain committed to providing Lincolnshire Police with critical feedback.

“Lincolnshire`s IAG is essential to reducing crime, policing by consent, and getting value for money.

“We help with major incidents, hate crime investigations and process design, offering `behind the scenes` advice.

“We have built up experience in working through difficult community issues at both a tactical and a strategic level.

“The IAG […] provides some clarity and assistance in this area ensuring that the services are tailored to meet the needs that all people are entitled to.”

The Head of CID for Lincolnshire Police, Detective Chief Superintendent Roger Bannister said he is strong supporter of IAG’s work.

“I have seen the benefits they bring in all types of crimes and incidents from criminal damage incidents right through to the most serious such as murder.

“In 2007 I worked very closely with the IAG on a very challenging murder investigation and their assistance was very welcome and very relevant.

“Such assistance has continued to this day whereby they have a real say in how we investigate other ongoing serious crime investigations.”

Source: Lincolnshire Police