October 23, 2010 2.57 pm This story is over 171 months old

Unions declare war on spending cuts

Strong reactions: Trade unions marched through Lincoln to protest against government budget cuts.

Trade unions from across the county gathered in Lincoln on October 23 to march against cuts in public spending announced on Wednesday.

Around 70 people gathered in Castle Square at midday, with placards, signs and leaflets for their campaign to curb government cuts.

People of all ages joined the rally.

There was increased police presence at the protest, with 10 officers ensuring smooth running of the march.

Students from the University of Lincoln also joined in to march against tuition fees rises.

Protesters prepared to march downhill just after 12.30pm.

The protesters arrived at the Speakers' Corner on the High Street just before 1pm.

John Sharman, branch secretary of Lincolnshire Unison, warned the crowds that the cuts will affect people of all ages and professions.

People were also told that women in all roles in public services would be the first to lose their jobs following budget restructuring. Watch the address:

Professor Richard Keeble from the University of Lincoln also told those at the protest that less should be spent on defence and war budgets, and more on services.

Richard Keeble addressing the protesters on the High Street.

Earlier in the week it was revealed that 35 senior posts will be scrapped a the Lincolnshire County Council, along with a further 1,000 jobs over four years.

Lincolnshire Police is also set to cut 70 uniformed officers positions, and 100 support staff, as a response to £22million budget cuts.