November 30, 2010 4.55 pm This story is over 163 months old

Drivers warned over festive drink driving

Drunk driver: People in Lincolnshire are being warned not to drink and drive this Christmas.

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are reminding motorists not to drive after drinking this festive season.

In December 2009, 6,000 people were stopped at the roadside and tested for drink or drug driving and 117 tested positive.

Police will be carrying out Field Impairment Tests on those suspected of drink or drug driving and if needed make arrests at the roadside for further testing.

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are reminding people in the county to drive responsibly, or risk severe penalties.

Convictions remain on your license for 11 years, you get a 12 month driving ban and if you kill someone while drink or drug driving, face a 14 year prison sentence.

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership’s John Siddle said : “Driving whilst under the influence is viewed socially unacceptable as well as being illegal.

“Information from the public in Lincolnshire helps us to target those individuals who feel they are above the law.

“Offenders risk losing their job, home and livelihood just for a good night out. In the past year 31 people have died or were seriously injured in collisions where drink or drugs were a contributory factor.

“For those who enjoy the festive season, we ask you to make provision to travel by nominating a designated driver or pre-arranging a taxi home.”

Each unit of alcohol takes one hour to dissipate, but this only starts two hours after you stop drinking and have eaten properly.

Alcohol is absorbed at different rates and age and gender are not a factor of how it dissipates. The more units you drink, the longer the process takes.

Therefore, it depends how much you have had to drink and when you try to drive that determines if you are actually legal to drive.

Source: LRSP | Photo: Chris Taylor