November 4, 2010 4.52 pm This story is over 170 months old

Lincoln veggie fayre tempts meat eaters

Going veggie: A vegan fayre will try to tempt Lincolnshire sausage-eating Lincolnites to taste vegan delights.

The Lincoln Veggie Fayre will try to tempt Lincolnshire sausage-eating Lincolnites to taste some vegan delights on November 6.

As part of the national vegan month, Animal Aid joined local group Lincoln Animal Friends to stage the vegan food fayre this Saturday.

The event will take place from 10am to 4pm at the Trinity United Reformed Church Hall on Gramston Street, and is free to attend.

Organisers are promising a variety of free food to sample from vegetarian companies, as well as ideas for tasty dishes to try at home.

The fayre aims to attract various people, from those thinking of going vegetarian or vegan, to the curious ones who would like to try animal-free food.

Among the sponsors of the event are the Veggies Catering Campaign, pictured preparing food at last year’s event.

Juliet Gellatley, Director of Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals), will be opening the event and giving a presentation.

Kelly Slade, the co-ordinator of the national vegan month, says ethical living is becoming increasingly popular.

“A rising number of people choose fair trade, organic and animal-free produce and there is a growing trend towards reducing our impact on the planet.

“Going vegan is the single most effective step anyone can take to reduce animal suffering, improve your health and protect the planet.

“And the food is wonderful, too! What other diet can offer so much? Come along to our vegan food fayre and find out more for yourself.”

Organising group, Lincoln Animal Friends, meets on the third Saturday of each month at the Healthy Hub on Beaumont Fee at midday.

The American Dietetic Association considers “appropriately planned” vegan diets “nutritionally adequate”, but poorly planned vegan diets can be deficient in nutrients such as vitamin B, ironvitamin Dcalcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

These deficiencies could have serious consequences, including anemia, rickets and cretinism in children, and osteomalacia and hypothyroidism in adults.