December 22, 2010 10.37 am This story is over 164 months old

Big Cig photos scoop national award

Big Cig: A campaign to stop smoking featuring photos of a human-sized cigarette won a national award.

A campaign to stop smoking from Lincolnshire Community Health Services featuring photos of a human-sized cigarette in the Castle Old Jail won a national award.

The Phoenix Stop Smoking Service took photos of Big Cig in the castle’s old jail for the national No Smoking Day held on March 9.

The campaign won the No Smoking Day Organiser of the Year Award 2010.

Phoenix previously said that 1,000 Lincolnites have quit smoking over the last 12 months, with Abbey Ward having the most the most quitters (185).

The Health Shop on Lincoln High Street is run by Phoenix and had 572 people come through its doors seeking advice to help quit smoking.

The service also ran an initiative with Ministry Of Defence (MOD) Smoking Cessation Advisors at Lincolnshire’s RAF Sites to target hard to reach groups.

The scheme saw 128 people quit smoking of the 180 who signed up.

The latter initiative earned Phoenix first place in the Health Improvement and Promotion category of the Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award 2010.

Anne Bargett, Lead Specialist for Phoenix NHS Stop Smoking Service was presented with the award at a special event at Belfast City Hall:

She said: “It was an honour to be shortlisted for the Military and Civilian Health Partnership Awards and an even bigger honour to win.

“I am delighted that our targeted approach to support more people to quit smoking as been recognised.

“Congratulations to the whole team and a big thank you to Ministry Of Defence Stop Smoking Advisors, the project would not have been possible without their support.

Source: NHS Lincolnshire