December 31, 2010 12.51 pm This story is over 164 months old

Council offers free Christmas tree recycling

Real deal: For those with natural Christmas trees, the City Of Lincoln council is offering a free recycling scheme.

The City Of Lincoln Council, in partnership with Cory Environmental, are offering Lincolnites the option to recycle their Christmas trees free of charge.

Following the festive period, the number of real trees requiring correct disposal runs into its hundreds, and this service is offered to prevent those trees from unnecessarily ending up in landfill sites.

Community Services Manager for the City Of Lincoln Council, Caroline Pritchard is prompting Lincoln residents to make use of the free recycling scheme:

“I would urge residents to put their out their trees at the relevant time, saving them the hassle of getting rid of them and also doing something good for the environment.”

Lincoln residents can easily dispose of their real trees, just by putting it out with their regular rubbish.

Those with green bins (for garden waste) can have their tree collected on the week commencing Monday, January 3, as long as the entire tree fits in the bin.

Those with black bins can place their tree on the kerbside (before 7am) on the weeks commencing January 10 and 17.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Laura Bittner