January 18, 2011 11.47 am This story is over 168 months old

Learn to officiate with basketball course

Volunteering: Help out at local basketball games after an officiating course in Lincoln.

Lincolnites with an interest in basketball can try the Basketball Table Official Course, which teaches officiating.

The course on January 29 at Yarborough Leisure Centre is aimed at basketball beginners, and will teach timekeeping and scorekeeping basics.

Lincolnshire Basketball Development Officer at Lincolnshire Sports Partnership said: “This Level 1 course is ideal for anyone with an interest in basketball as it is very simple and is completely aimed at beginners.

“The qualification you receive at the end of the course enables you to help at junior basketball games, school competitions and local league games, so is perfect for anyone thinking of volunteering or helping out their local team.”

The course begins at 9.30am to 12pm and costs £24.00. To book a place contact Lucy Willets via email or 01522 585580.

Source: Lincolnshire Sports Partnership