January 4, 2011 11.27 am This story is over 161 months old

Lincolnites can’t afford to exercise

Price problem? People in the city may be put off exercising due to the cost of joining a gym.

A new national survey says the cost of gym subscriptions and laziness are to blame for people being less physically active, with only 22% of Lincolnites exercising.

According to the survey by World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), a third of those polled are put off exercising due to the price tariffs of gyms.

Other participants also noted busy lifestyles, work, study or family commitments, British weather and just not bothering as reasons why they didn’t exercise.

The survey says 42% of 18 to 24-year-olds mentioned financial cost as a reason for not being more physically active.

This compares to 19 per cent in the oldest age group, the over-55s.

There are six gyms in the Lincoln area, all boasting different offers and facilities for various budgets.

Most gyms in Lincoln cost under £25 per month to join and have unlimited access to use the gym and activity sessions, such as spinning, dance or swimming classes.

The cheapest gym is Birchwood Leisure Centre, allowing you to use all their facilities for £9.99 a month, with no contract to abide to.

The gym for students, alumni and staff at the University of Lincoln is the most flexible, allowing members to just pay £2.50 per session, rather than a contract.

Deputy Head of Science at WCRF Rachel Thompson said that good exercise does not have to mean paying out to gyms.

“Particularly in these economically difficult times, it is important for us to get the message across that being physically active does not have to mean signing up at expensive gyms or leisure centres.

“For example, people can take up brisk walking or running, or start playing a sport that they enjoy. Even hobbies such as dancing and gardening can count towards your daily total.

“But as well as highlighting the fact that physical activity is something we can all do regardless of our income, we also need to do more to highlight the benefits of it, including the effect it has on cancer risk,” Thompson added.

Being regularly active not only aids maintaining a healthy weight, but in turn reduces the risk of problems such as diabetes or cancer.

Photo: Activ Oslo