January 17, 2011 11.11 am This story is over 161 months old

Water works begin to prevent flooding

Flood fighters: Lincoln rivers are being improved in order to protect residents from floods.

The Environment Agency have set to work improving water defences around Lincoln, in order to prevent flooding in the city.

Back in 2007, thousands of homes were damaged by flooding when the Brayford Pool and River Witham burst their banks (pictured).

Overgrown bushes and shrubs will be removed from Stamp End, south Bracebridge while an area of Henley Street will be flattened out to keep flood defences at the correct height.

The changes to Henley Street will also allow walkers to use the pathway without risk of falling over.

Bargate Sluice, also in Bracebridge, will be fully sealed in an effort to maintain flood defences properly.

The changes come after Lincolnshire County Council were awarded a £238,000 grant to protect the county from flooding.

Photo: SerineKat