February 2, 2011 10.18 am This story is over 160 months old

Police tackle yobs in Birchwood

ASB: Police sent letters to parents of children behaving antisocially and warned of further action if their behaviour doesn’t stop.

The Birchwood Neighbourhood Policing Team has sent letters to parents of children behaving antisocially and warned of further action if their behaviour does not cease.

The local team has recently tacked problems with youths swearing and shouting in the street, along with damaging and destroying property.

Five letters were sent so far by Birchwood NPT to parents of children behaving antisocially, working closely with the ASB team at City of Lincoln Council.

Visits by the police and housing officers were carried out to offending youths. A 17-year-old local boy, a persistent offender, got an Acceptable Behaviour Contract.

An Acceptable Behaviour Contract is a formal written agreement made between an individual and their parent or guardian.

They can also be made between the individual and ‘registered landlords’, housing departments or schools.

The 17-year-old teenager is subject to a curfew between 8pm and 7am, must not shout our swear at people and must not damage or destroy property.

Since the contract was issued, offending behaviour on the estate has dramatically reduced. Any breaches can lead to an ASBO application and further action.

PCSO Kirsty James said: “We’ve seen a dramatic drop in antisocial behaviour since his action and so far no breeches have been reported to us.

“We hope this demonstrates to local people that we are listening to them, taking action and getting results,” James added.

Lincolnshire Police previously recognised antisocial behaviour as a big problem in Lincoln, after a national report criticised that police are slow to tackle the issue.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Staging courtesy of Lincolnshire Police cadets