February 1, 2011 11.10 am This story is over 167 months old

Residents can see area crime stats

Crime map: Lincolnites will now be able to see crime levels in their area from their own computer.

Lincoln residents can now look at local crime statistics on their street due to a new police interactive map.

By typing in their location, residents can look at neighbourhood policing teams, neighbourhood panel meetings and crime levels, as close up as their own street level.

Crimes that can be viewed include burglary, violence and anti-social behaviour.

The county has also been selected to test adding the outcomes of court cases to the map alongside crime statistics, so residents can see the outcomes of police action.

Lincolnshire’s Deputy Chief Constable Neil Rhodes said: “This new community-focussed approach means the public can access street level crime simply by entering their street name or postcode into the website.

“Links to local neighbourhood policing teams will also be available and will help to build community involvement in policing.

“Making information available to the public will not only help to raise awareness of how the police service is working to reduce crime and disorder in communities, but will help reduce the fear of crime and in areas where crime is occurring, provide encouragement to the public to support the police with information and remain watchful when appropriate.”

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney is also pleased to see the website go live.

He said: “I am really pleased that the Conservative-led government has demonstrated they are serious about cutting the levels of crime and anti-social behaviour in our communities.

“By providing crime data in an open format that anyone can access, even from their mobile, we can all hold the police to account.

“We can ensure they deal with the issues that actually matter to us locally not those decided by a Whitehall bureaucrat.”

You can view the map on the Police.UK website.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Graham Lord