February 25, 2011 4.48 pm This story is over 160 months old

Teen pregnancy in Lincolnshire falls

Safer sex: Teenage pregnancies in Lincolnshire have dropped a quarter since 1998.

Teenage pregnancy in Lincolnshire has fallen 25.1% since 1998, 13.1% better than the national average, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.

Currently, there are 37.5 conceptions in girls for every 1,000 aged under 18. This contributes to the regional decrease of 22.7% and nationally 18.1%.

Executive Councillor for Health Sue Woolley said: This is very good news and shows that our Tackling Teenage Pregnancy Strategy is working.

“The projects and initiatives we are promoting take time to make their mark but clearly they are having the right effect.

“It is all about raising the aspirations and confidence of teenage girls to make them aware of the consequences of actions they take and the alternatives.”

Lincolnshire’s Tackling Teenage Pregnancy Team and others have been using various ideas to help lower the teenage pregnancy figure in the county.

These include:

  • Developing good negotiation skills and positive feelings of self-worth in young people means they are less likely to become young parents.
  • The C-card condom scheme is a programme which lets young people make wise choices regarding their sexual health — 16,000 are registered.
  • Advising young people to resist peer pressure and use contraception when they become sexually active.
  • Encourage young mums to take part more in education, training and employment to raise their self esteem
  • Advising parents to talk more openly with their children about sex and relationships
  • Creating more partnerships to develop more sexual health services for young people who are easy for them to access.
Source: Lincolnshire County Council | Photo: Robert Elyov