March 14, 2011 3.12 pm This story is over 161 months old

City to celebrate 500 days until Olympics

Balloon launch: Celebrate the Olympics being 500 days away with a balloon launch in Lincoln city centre.

People in Lincoln city centre will be celebrating the Olympics being 500 days away by launching 500 balloons into the sky.

The event, held in the City Square on March 15 by Lincolnshire Sports Partnership, will also have other activities for people to enjoy.

There will be various Olympic-style sports activities to join, as well as dance groups and an artist during the event.

The balloons will be launched at 12.45pm. The event starts at 12pm, lasting two hours.

Chief Executive Officer of Lincolnshire Sports Partnership Janet Inman will be officially launching the balloons.

She said: “Lincolnshire Sports Partnership is very keen to increase participation in sport and physical activity, and we cannot miss the opportunity to inspire people with the 2012 Games.

“To celebrate 500 days to go we are holding this event in Lincoln city centre to let people know that they can get involved with the 2012 Games in Lincolnshire.

“We don’t want to get to 2013 and regret that we didn’t do anything to inspire the people of Lincolnshire.”

Source: Lincolnshire Sports Partnership | Photo: Jerry Downs