March 8, 2011 11.31 am This story is over 159 months old

Lincoln named third cleanest UK city

Tidy: Lincoln is only second to Truro and Nottingham when it comes to cleanliness on the city’s streets.

Lincoln is only second to Truro and Nottingham when it comes to cleanliness. For the second time, Lincoln was also awarded the top rating of five stars for cleanliness.

The city received the bronze award at the Clean Britain Awards following an anonymous inspection by the British Cleaning Council this year.

During their visit, inspectors rated the street scene from a visitor point of view.

They rated everything from the amount of litter and chewing gum to the provision of litter bins and the condition of street furniture.

The unannounced visit to Lincoln took in a random sample of the city, including housing estates.

The City of Lincoln Council says inspectors visited Carholme Rd, Lindum Rd, Wragby Rd, Bilsby Close, Goldsmith Walk and the area to the front of the railway station.

The judges reported that there were several areas where Lincoln scored a 100% standard, both in the tourist area and also in urban streets.

They said Lincoln has “excellent standards” and that “the general standard achieved across the city was very high […].”

City Councillor Yvonne Bodger said: “The competition is held once every two years, and last time we were delighted to have been given the top rating of five stars.

“We have a very good working relationship with our street cleansing contractors, Cory Environmental, and I’d like to give my personal thanks to their teams who have helped us to get this prestigious award.”

Lincoln’s public toilets also got the top spot at the Loo of the Year Awards.

An unannounced visit by a Loo of the Year inspector took place earlier this year, judging the toilet on signage, decorations and cleanliness, as well as other criteria..

Source: City of Lincoln Council