March 7, 2011 10.03 am This story is over 165 months old

Police search for fraudulent man

Door to door: Police warn city residents about fake organisation reps trying to gain entry to homes.

Lincolnshire Police are warning residents to be wary of letting individuals claiming to be representatives from organisations into their homes.

On March 4 between 5.30 and 6pm, a smartly-dressed male gained access to a home in the Hartsholme area of the city under false pretence.

He claimed to be a water board contractor trying to turn off water supplies due to contamination in the water.

The male has been described as around 5’7″ and in his mid forties, dressed in a shirt and tie.

If someone claims to be an organisation representative, police advise residents to always ask to see identification before letting them into a home.

If you have seen or been contacted by this man or have had a similar incident happen, contact Lincolnshire Police on 0300 111 0300, quoting incident 416 of March 4.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Knightwriter