March 30, 2011 1.30 pm This story is over 159 months old

Police U-turn on fired city parking wardens

Reversed: The two Lincoln parking wardens will be re-hired by Lincolnshire Police for another year.

Lincolnshire Police has reversed its decision to scrap the two parking warden roles in Lincoln after the public expressed concern.

The two traffic wardens posts will continue to be financed with £48,000 by the City of Lincoln Council for the next 12 months.

Lincolnshire Police scrapped all six parking wardens posts in January, ahead of Lincolnshire County Council taking over civil parking enforcement duties.

However, City Councillor Marc Jones said: “Residents and businesses have expressed concern that parking does continue to be enforced.”

This led to discussions between the City Council and Lincolnshire Police on a deal to extend the parking enforcement contract between them.

They agreed mid-March that parking enforcement will be maintained in Lincoln by police, but it wasn’t clear how that would be achieved.

“We have de-established the role of traffic wardens within the force and that decision will not be reversed,” initially said Chief Inspector Mark Housley.

Then Housely said on Wednesday: “It was always the force’s intention to continue enforcement by utilising officers in the city until the civilianisation of the service took place and the County Council and the districts took over responsibility.

“However, responding to public concern, City of Lincoln Council offered to continue funding dedicated posts for the next 12 months.

“This money will be used to retain two traffic warden posts for Lincoln on fixed term-contracts and provide the back office function for the service.”

Lincolnshire County Council is expected to be able to take over civil parking enforcement from police in September at the earliest.

John Bibby of the City Council said: “We have worked closely with Lincolnshire Police to find a solution and are pleased that they have made a firm commitment to enforcing traffic restrictions in the city.

“We hope this will provide reassurance to our residents that the police will clamp down on illegally parked vehicles, on the main highways and in those areas where permit schemes are in place.”