March 30, 2011 4.14 pm This story is over 162 months old

The Collection secures £70k grant

Secured funding: The Collection has future funding for it’s various art exhibitions.

The Collection museum in Lincoln has received a grant worth over £70,000 per year from Arts Council England.

Arts Council England decided to award The Collection, which is also linked to the Usher Gallery, an art grant so it can continue its visual arts programme.

The museum has attracted artists such as Grayson Perry, Phil Collins and Christine Borland and a large number of vistors.

The grant will be provided to The Collection for the next three years.

Over the next year, The Collection will hold various contemporary events, such as Now Showing, a film series be six different artists.

The will also be a forest art event called The Charter of the Forest, held in Chambers Farm Wood, near Wragby.

Executive Member for Cultural Services Councillor Eddy Poll said: “We’re delighted that Arts Council England has decided to continue supporting the contemporary arts programme at The Collection.”

The Arts Council also agreed to continue funding the Lincolnshire Rural and Community Touring Scheme.

It is a project which provides a range of national and international dance, drama and music performances to the county.

Poll added: “Over the last 10 years, more than 300,000 people have benefited from these worthwhile programmes.

“The Arts Council’s renewed commitment will mean many more people will now have a chance to enjoy them, alongside the other cultural activities on offer at our museums, heritage sites and libraries.”

Source: Lincolnshire County Council | Photo: