April 22, 2011 10.08 am This story is over 165 months old

Co-op donates £10K in aid to Japan

Donation: Lincolnshire Co-op has pledged thousands to help the Japan earthquake and tsunami relief efforts.

Lincolnshire Co-op will be sending £10,000 to Japan to help rebuild the country that was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami earlier this year.

The funding will help the victims of the 9.0 Richter scale earthquake and tsunami to rebuild their lives.

Fishing and agricultural co-operatives in the North-East of Japan were badly affected, so the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) created a special fund to help.

Lincolnshire Co-operative’s Board of Directors agreed on the sum to donate on behalf of its 190,000 members.

President of Lincolnshire Co-op Julia Romney said: “Our members and staff have great sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people whose livelihoods have been destroyed by the natural disasters which occurred recently in Japan.

“On the behalf of our members and colleagues, the Board of Directors felt it was appropriate to make this donation towards the reconstruction effort.

“We hope our donation, alongside the support from other members of the international co-operative movement, will help the people of Japan to look forward and rebuild.”

Source: Lincolnshire Co-operative | Photo: Naved Zia