April 5, 2011 4.03 pm This story is over 165 months old

Lincoln shops to get QR codes

Scan it! Window stickers with QR codes linking to deals and offers will pop up in Lincoln shops.

Shops in Lincoln’s city centre will receive stickers to put in their windows with QR codes linking to offers and deals available.

QR (Quick Response) codes are matrix bar codes that can be scanned using a smartphone’s camera and a special free application.

Apple iPhone owners can download for free from the App Store QR readers like QR Code Reader (free), while Android smartphone owners can use QR Droid (free).

Free QR reading apps are also available for BlackBerry and Nokia phone users.

Lincoln BIG will be distributing the QR code stickers to all city centre retailers over the coming days, which link to the group’s shopping directory, Shop Lincoln.

Codes from the window stickers will link to information on the shop’s latest deals and offers, and opening times.

Lincoln BIG Chief Executive Matt Corrigan said QR coding is a first for Lincoln:

“Ours is the first city in the UK where retailers are using the new technology of QR coding across the city centre to add an extra dimension to people’s shopping experience.”

Lincoln BIG staff will be in the Castle Hill area on April 8 (11am to 3pm), and downhill, in City Square on April 9 (10am to 4pm) to help people use QR codes.

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Source: Lincoln BIG | Photo: Debenhams